May you all have a safe and happy Christmas! Wishing you all health and happiness in the New Year!

Author: hannah
Hannah is a 7 mos old purebred Plush Coated German Shepherd Dog. Hannah was turned over to Coastal when she was a 4 mos old puppy. She was born with a defective left rear leg, it was straight, but it was straight underneath her so she couldn't use it, it just interfered with her ability to get around, due to the fact that she was hindered in her ability to get around whoever had her before Coastal did not feed her properly so her bones didn't develop properly and her right leg has some orthopedic issues, but Coastal works with the best vets around and Hannah's orthopedic doctor has NO doubt at all that once she has her surgery(ies) she will live a long and happy life! Hannah has lived in a foster home since Coastal took her under their wing and has thrived. In February she had the left rear leg amputated and is healing up beautifully and making up for lost time, full of puppy life and vigor. She is now getting the proper nutrition that every puppy deserves. View all posts by hannah
Merry Christmas, Season’s Greetings and all that stuff to you too gorgeous! I cannot WAIT to see you! xoxo
Hey ‘lil sis!
You are sooooo cute in that photo with Santa! How’d they get that other pic? Glue? Photoshop? The world wants to know!
Merry Christmas to you and your ‘other’ pack from ours!
Travis Ray and the Oaktown Pack
p.s. wish we could be there Saturday……y’all are gonna have a blast!
BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS! You have a lovely family!
Did you REALLY have all your dogs sit for that photo?? That looks IMPOSSIBLE!! What special pups!
And the way Hannah is looking up at Santa…..not exactly sure what he’s thinking…but it makes for a great picture!
Thanks for bringing us smiles nd holiday wishes…and back to ya’
Hugs to all your magnificent pack!
Sally and Happy Hannah’
My mom added the original photo of us all to the post. These were taken by very cool pet photographers. My mom had them photoshop the Christmas stuff in for our Christmas cards this year! cool huh?
My mom takes great pride in making sure that we are all well behaved enough for photos! =) Now well behaved enough for other stuff, not so much!
Travis Ray I hope we get to hang out at the A’s game this year. We are really excited to be coming up to visit the Oaktown pack this summer!